Yay.com’s Business VoIP API

Use our VoIP API to create a custom solution powered by our versatile VoIP service.

Our API is adaptable and granular, so if you want to integrate VoIP into an app you're creating or just want to add VoIP plans to your existing offerings on your website, you'll find it all possible through us. You can even choose how your order process works, as well as how phone number, VoIP package and call plan management works. It’s all in your hands with this powerful VoIP API. Everything is fully documented and available for you, so you're only limited by your imagination. Try out our VoIP API and combine VoIP with your existing products or services today.

Comprehensively Documented VoIP API Can Programmatically Control Everything

The Yay.com business VoIP platform is available for you as a self-contained product, separate to the Yay.com customer experience. For those that want to start their own VoIP company but don’t have the necessary infrastructure, our platform can provide that foundation for you. Use the power of our platform to carry calls for you and your customers, but decide for yourself what you’ll charge with control over the design of your own website and your own user experience.

With full documentation available explaining, in detail, how to use our VoIP API to get to the functions and data you want, when you want them, you’ll be able to programmatically design every aspect of Yay.com’s business VoIP platform to suit your specific needs. Even if you’re a direct Yay.com customer, if you or a staff member has some programming experience and you need a feature that you don’t see on Yay.com currently, our API makes it possible to build it yourself. As a customer, you’ll have all the access you need to your SIP users and call data right down to the core of our platform, meaning you’ll be able to build any extension to our service that you can think of.

Add the Power of VoIP to Your App or Website with the Yay.com VoIP API

Even if VoIP is not the core focus of your business, or you’re not a Yay.com customer, you can add VoIP capabilities to an existing product or service with our VoIP API. Developing an app with call functionality and want to use VoIP to power these calls? Our API can make that happen. Developing a website and want to conduct support calls right through your website and need VoIP to make that happen? Our API can help there too. The power of our business VoIP platform is available to everyone, all you need to do is make an enquiry today.

Access & Customise VoIP Features Such as Call Recording and Call Routing

Every feature and tool currently available to Yay.com customers is easily accessible through our API, meaning you can even create your own VoIP service with minimal time investment from your in-house development team. They’ll even find the job easy since our VoIP API is intuitive and fully documented.

This means, if you wish, you can even replicate Yay.com itself. Put your own spin on the design of your site and come up with your own creative ways of providing an elegant user experience, using our VoIP API to easily plug the backend functionality into your service with minimal time investment. After all, the perfect platform already exists, so why not take advantage? Compare VoIP plans today to get started.

Comprehensive documented VoIP API can programmatically control everything.
Integrate VoIP with your app or website simply using our flexible VoIP API.
Access powerful and customisable VoIP features such as call recording, call routing and time diaries. Even create your own Yay.com!

Are you ready to take your business communications to the next level?