Business Phone System Security with Roles and Permissions

Secure access control over your business phone system with member roles and granular permissions for your team.

Our cloud phone system offers manageability at every level with fully customisable administrator roles for your business. Give your team their own credentials to access all areas of your online dashboard or just specific sections of your account - it’s all up to you. Benefit from greater control and security and organise permissions by roles, or grant access to an external contractor or IT manager without the need to hand over your own login credentials. We make it easier than ever for you to control your VoIP phone system from whatever location you or your team are in.

Create Custom Roles and Permissions for Your VoIP Phone System Remotely

Thanks to the intuitive VoIP dashboard, you can manage all of your business’ phone system from any web browser. This includes managing the level of control each of your account admins and users has over any one feature. In this way, you need never be concerned about who has access to, or can change, any particular account configuration option again.

You don’t even need to be in the office to make changes. Log in to your account remotely from any web browser and make the changes you’d like to see immediately, including granting and revoking administrative privileges, assigning the level of control your administrators have over which sections of the account and even creating new roles with bespoke permissions for en-masse application.

Securely Grant Access to Phone System Configuration Options

Whilst the account holder will always remain the top-level authority when it comes to account managerial status, the account holder will have the power to grant unrestricted and restricted privileges of various levels to other members of staff, or to an external IT management service, without the need to disclose his/her own login credentials.

In this way, the account holder retains ultimate authority over the account, payment methods and other such crucial and/or confidential details, whilst phone system configuration itself can be delegated to appropriate members of staff. Meanwhile, if temporary or short-term changes to your VoIP system need to be made quickly, it’s easy to do so.

No Limits on Roles and Permissions. Create as Many Member Roles as you Need

Aside from the roles of ‘account holder’ and ‘account administrator’, multiple unique roles can be created with full control over which account, VoIP, reseller and domain features members of this role will have access to and power to change.

These roles and permissions can be created in granular fashion down to your individual users, so if you want to create a custom role with specific permissions that will apply only to one member of your team, it’s perfectly possible to do so. What’s more, those with appropriate permissions can control which users have the power to monitor the calls of other SIP users, as well as globally control whether other SIP users can monitor the calls of any individual user.

If you like the sound of a VoIP phone system that values your business’ security and puts the power of control back in your hands, then sign up for a free VoIP trial today to experience’s business phone features first hand.

Create custom roles and permissions for your account remotely.
Provide secure access to your online dashboard without having to hand over your own login credentials.
No limits on roles and permissions so you can create as many Member Roles as you need.

Are you ready to take your business communications to the next level?