Business Phone IVR Call Menus

Create sophisticated touch tone IVR call menus for inbound calls.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Menus

Build a more efficient caller experience and improve customer satisfaction by empowering your callers to choose the service or department they require through touch tone call menus. Whether you are a freelancer or large corporation, we make it easy to enhance your customers’ call experience with our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) features.

Record your own bespoke voice prompts or use our existing defaults; divert calls to specific departments, employees or voicemail mailboxes in just a few clicks. The flexibility available with our IVR call menus enables you to create an efficient and inexpensive gatekeeper for incoming calls, with a personality reflecting your company or brand, in no time at all.

Increase Customer Satisfaction by Giving the Caller Control.

When your business phone system is underpowered relative to your needs, business suffers. Repeated manual transfers waste the valuable time of your staff as they do their best to politely understand the problem and determine which department or person is best placed to solve the problem. In addition, the customer will only become frustrated from having to unnecessarily repeat their issue time and again.

Interactive Voice Response menus put the caller firmly in control. They know what their issue is and know who they need to speak to resolve it quickly and efficiently, saving both parties time and energy. And if they don’t? You can add an IVR option for that too! “For anything else or to speak to a member of staff, please press 5”, for example, will neatly tie up this hypothetical loose end.

Professional, Touch-tone IVR Menus for Incoming Calls.

With’s intuitive, drag-and-drop style call routing editor, creating your own professional IVR call menu is fast and easy. In fact, it’s as simple as dragging the ‘press 1, press 2’ module into the flow of your call route. From here, you can choose which audio file to play your caller and how the rest of the call route should play out once they have pressed a key.

What’s more, if more than one of your departments can solve a particular type of query, you can have your call route ring some or all of the members of these departments by sending it through to multiple hunt groups at once. Since hunt groups can be set up however you like as well, your hunt groups need not directly mirror the structure of your teams internally. Use this to your advantage to create IVR call menus that mitigate wasted company time while giving your callers the best experience possible.

These groups need not even be in the same physical location; your remote team in Bristol can help the Manchester office field queries about returns, for example, when the caller presses 2. The ‘press 3’ option, meanwhile, might route the caller through to both your London Piccadilly and Putney offices. Other offices might not be accessible to the general public at all, or might only be available through very specific IVR option combinations so that only the most deliberate and pressing of issues lead to an interruption for these important individuals.

Layer Functionality By Combining IVR with Our Modular Call Routing

An IVR call menu acts as a branch or a fork in your call route, at which point you offer the caller control over where they head next. Setting up the stages of the call route that come after the IVR menu is as simple as dragging and dropping too.

From call routes that perform functions as simple as calling a user and then hanging up to options that present the caller with an IVR menu, before filtering the caller by their caller ID, then presenting them with one IVR or another dependent on whether the call ID matched with one of your filters, you really can build a business phone system that’s as simple or as complex as you need it to be to get the job done. Plus, with everything as simple as dragging and dropping, configuring your business’ phone system has never been so easy!

Instantly create professional touch tone IVR menus for incoming calls. Send calls to single or multiple destinations or departments.
Combine with multiple modules to produce call menus that are as simple or as in-depth as you need them to be.
Increase customer satisfaction by letting callers choose the most relevant department to resolve their queries.

Are you ready to take your business communications to the next level?