CRM Integrations for Business Phone Systems

Integrate your favourite CRMs and apps including Zoho, Hubspot and Pipedrive with your business phone system.

Expand the functionality of your CRM solution by easily integrating with our phone system. Enjoy seamless VoIP integration with the most popular CRM systems including Hubspot, Zoho and Pipedrive, as well as business apps like Slack. Once integrated, use in concert with the VoIP phone system for business features including call recording and click-to-dial with instant call activity logging to increase productivity and efficiency within your workforce. These powerful features can help streamline your contact and sales processes, offering up your most important contacts’ details in an instant and just when you need them. Get started with our business phone system, softphone apps and CRM integrations to see how they can benefit your business today.

Log Calls, Voicemails and Call Recordings Instantly for Easier Contact Manageability

If yours is the type of business that makes and takes phone calls all day, tracking and organising the details and results of these can be difficult. When your business’ phone system integrates with your customer relationship management suite, however, these details are logged automatically and instantly. As a result, your staff can spend more of their time doing the work that truly delivers impactful results.

Combine this with’s native call recording capabilities and the option to automatically synchronize call recordings to a cloud storage platform of your choice and you’ve got a sales solution that truly covers all bases. Even the simplest call details are logged automatically by your CRM, giving your staff time to note down the truly pertinent details of the call. If reviewing these notes isn’t enough before the next call with this client, they can go as deep into the details as they like by listening back to the logged call recording. In this way, your staff need never be left scratching their heads as to the progress the client has made through their sales pipeline. Meanwhile, the rest of your staff continue to benefit from the additional business VoIP features that wouldn’t be possible with a traditional business phone system.

Dial On-screen Phone Numbers In One Click With Click to Dial Functionality

The VoIP phone system integrates with Google Chrome as an extension to transform in-browser phone numbers into fully interactive, clickable links that trigger a call from the in-browser VoIP phone instantaneously. Manually typing a phone number into your VoIP desk phone from an on-screen reference and then double checking it can take up to 15 seconds. If your sales staff are expected to make upwards of 100 calls per day, this adds up to 1500 wasted seconds (25 full minutes) of wasted time per day. For people who spend a lot of time inside a sales CRM, the purpose of which is to make their job more efficient, this doesn’t seem particularly effective.

Allow’s VoIP platform to save the day. With our click-to-dial Chrome browser integration, you can turn every phone number in your sales CRM into a time-saving miracle that makes the difference between your staff smashing their call targets and your business getting left behind by those with better tools.

Your Best Leads Always Available with Business Contact Auto-Sync’s integrations with sales CRMs allow for contact synchronization between your business phone system and the CRM itself, meaning your most important leads, clients and customers are always just a click away.

Like our click-to-dial browser integration, our in-browser and desktop VoIP apps make calling as fast as clicking the mouse. Import contacts from your CRM of choice into your account and you’ll be able to view these imported contacts in your app for one-click calling, even if they’re not customers themselves.

Since we integrate with services like Google Contacts and Office 365, too, it’s easy to keep your contacts up to date across multiple devices and platforms. You and your staff can keep all of your contacts in one place, saving you time when it comes to organisation and administration.

Instantly log your calls, voicemails and call recordings for easier contact manageability.
Turn on-screen phone numbers into one-touch clickable links with Click to Dial functionality.
Automatically synchronise your contacts, so your most important leads are always available.

Are you ready to take your business communications to the next level?