Business Phone Systems - Conference Bridges

Hold conference calls in virtual meeting rooms and enable callers to participate via unique PIN access.

Start collaborating with ease with our conference call facility. From client meetings, and catch-ups with remote workers, through to virtual interviews, collaborative working is growing in popularity throughout workforces all over the world. As part of your hosted VoIP service, you can create virtual meeting rooms instantly. There’s no need to worry about setting up hardware prior to meetings or playing around with extra cables. There’s also no need to fret about incompatible software; our conference call service is easy to pick up and play with without the need for prior technical knowledge. With fully manageable dial-in access controls, user permissions and audio greeting capabilities, this feature really opens up the accessibility to conference calling whether you’re a large corporation or a growing SME. No matter where you work, start collaborating with this Cloud PBX feature today.

Secure Conference Calls With Unique PIN Access

As a phone system for businesses, understands the importance of security. To keep your IP secure, we allow your conference calls to be guarded by a unique PIN, set by you, giving you control over who has access to your conference calls.

To determine who is in control of the entire conference, an easily created chairman PIN can be assigned to the conference bridge. This way, no matter what device you call in from or where you are in the world, you can remain in control of your conference calls. When other callers call in, it’s you they’ll be waiting for to start the call.

With join/leave announcements, you’ll even be able to keep track of call participants’ comings and goings without having to be able to see them. Not only useful for practical reasons, this also helps keep security tight, making it easy to keep track of new entrants.

Choose Audio For Your Conference Call Waiting Room

When you need to conference call with your business partners and internal teams frequently, it pays when there’s clear attention to detail. A comfortable, enjoyable experience without hiccups is what you and your phone system should be able to deliver. gives you control over the audio your callers will hear while they wait for the conference to begin. You’re free to create a bespoke caller experience for your teams and partners, with audio in your conference’s virtual holding area that reflects your brand and your marketing image.

Setting custom audio up for your conference calls is as simple as selecting any audio file or custom playlist from your phone system’s audio library and assigning it to your conference call from your user dashboard. Once complete, your callers can enjoy your tastefully-picked tunes while they wait. You can even play a custom audio greeting to your callers as they join the call to add polish to the experience and make your callers feel welcome.

Combine With A Call Route Or Have a Standalone Dial-in Option

Conference calls are diverse. If you need to make the conference available to those outside of your business who aren’t members of your VoIP phone system, you can make the conference part of a call route. By leveraging our modular call routing engine to your advantage, your external partners can join your conferences simply by ringing a number. Plus, when you only need the conference for internal company use, conference call use is even simpler with two-digit shortcodes.

If internal and external collaboration and communication are integral to your business’ success, your business’ phone system could make more of an impact than you’d think. Try and all its great business VoIP features for free today with a VoIP trial, or get started right away by comparing our voice plans.

Enable callers to participate in conference calls via unique PIN access.
Choose audio played when callers are waiting for other meeting attendees.
Combine with a call route or nominate to make it a standalone dial-in option.

Are you ready to take your business communications to the next level?