Business Phone Systems - Wallboard Statistics

View your most important business call statistics with custom office Wallboards.

Wallboard call statistics give you an overview of your most important call queue statistics at a glance. With a full range of stats available including average wait times, number of calls answered and number of abandoned calls, you can ensure you have the key performance indicators you need to continue offering callers a consistently high quality service.

Our business phone system monitors your call queues in real-time for the most up-to-date metrics while allowing you to elegantly switch layouts, pick themes, and even view agent leader-boards for most calls answered. Supervisors will have a full overview of business activity and can utilise their wallboards to improve efficiency, help inform staff training and encourage staff motivation. Wallboards are compatible with large screen displays, tablets and mobile/cell phones. They are accessible from a URL address dictated by you and can be configured in no time at all, so try our wallboards today.

View Real-time VoIP Call Statistics On-screen

Whether yours is a business that deals primarily with inbound calls, supporting customers with requests and queries and supplying information; or you’re a sales and recruitment firm whose bread and butter is making high volumes of outbound calls, the VoIP phone system has the right tools for you.

Our call statistics wallboards give you a customisable URL at which you can view continuously updating data on the calls to or from your business, so you can have all the oversight you need to manage your company or your department effectively at a moment’s notice. All you need is a screen to display them and you’ll have at-a-glance insight into the productivity of your staff and the business of the day.

What’s more, with no restrictions on wallboard creation, you can have as many wallboards as you’d like displayed around the office. An inbound call wallboard displaying hybrid call and user statistics with a secondary wallboard nearby showing your team’s inbound call history is sure to boost the performance of your customer support team. Across the hall, a wallboard for outbound calls will keep your sales executives on their toes and motivated to hit their targets, bringing out their competitive streaks as they strive to better their colleagues.

Customise Displayed VoIP Call Statistics

We’ve plenty of layouts and themes to choose from, so you can display your call statistics in the way that best suits you and your business. With ready-to-use layouts putting either your calls, your staff, or a combination of the two front and centre, plus the option to simply display your call history, there’ll never be any doubt as to how your team is performing as the day unfolds.

User statistics views put the focus on your staff, showing you a member-by-member breakdown of statistics including the time since a user’s last call, their average call duration and the number of calls they’ve answered.

Call statistics views put the focus firmly on the calls, showing you figures such as the number of calls answered or abandoned in a given time period, the number of agents you currently have available and how many are busy, as well as how many customers are currently waiting in your call queue.

Use Our VoIP API to Build Your Own Wallboards

If you’d like to see a variation on one of our wallboards, be it a tweak to the layout, the statistics included, or even if you’d just like to see your own company branding mirrored in your wallboard designs, you’re free to have your in-house development team build just what you need using our VoIP rest API.’s aim is to provide the most flexible and versatile VoIP phone system on the market. That means giving more control and power to our customers to easily achieve the phone system of their dreams. With our VoIP API, we give you the keys to the city; build your own wallboards to leverage your call statistics and other call data in new ways unique to your business, giving you the edge over your competitors and helping you to deliver the best caller experience in your sector.

If a business phone system that gives you this kind of control and flexibility sounds like it could benefit your business, get on board with today or try these business VoIP features out for yourself by signing up for a free VoIP trial.

View real-time call queue statistics on an easily configurable custom on-screen display. Monitor statistics for all call volumes or even on a per-agent level.
Choose layouts, themes, time periods, call routes to monitor, and URL location.
Use our API to construct your own Wallboards from the ground up or plug in to software of your choosing.

Are you ready to take your business communications to the next level?