Missed Call Alerts

Ensure you're always in the loop with missed call alerts.

Get missed call alerts direct to your email inbox to avoid missing out on new business opportunities. A great solution if you are using a call answering service and want to ensure calls are being picked up as you expect, or if you want to gauge whether the time is right to expand your increasingly popular business, this feature sends alerts to multiple email addresses when calls aren’t picked up or when they go straight to your voice-mailbox. With this feature you can easily see who has called you and reduce the time it takes to respond, whatever your location.

Email Notifications for Missed Calls to Any of Your Business Phone Numbers

When your business misses a call and it goes unrecorded, your business misses an opportunity. Yay.com understands that, for the longevity of your business, it’s essential to capture and follow up on every lead. That’s why we allow you to configure auto-notifications for missed calls to any and all of your business phone numbers.

What’s more, you have the control to set call alerts for any combination of your business phone numbers. There may just be one branch of the business you feel needs monitoring, like an external service to whom you’re outsourcing some work; a customer support agency for your growing business, for example. Easily monitor their performance with missed call alerts. Alternatively, you could use these alerts as data to monitor when it’s time to hire a new member of staff for your customer service team or, if one doesn’t yet exist, begin putting one in place!

With your business phone system, no missed call has to be a missed opportunity again. From the Numbers section of your Yay.com dashboard, you’ll be able to simply toggle email notifications on or off for when calls go unanswered or are answered by your voice-mailbox. Specifying the email addresses you’d like these alerts sent to is just as simple; just add them to the required field and no unanswered call need go unfollowed.

Fewer Missed Business Opportunities When Callers Can't Get Through or Abandon a Call

Whether your end or theirs, things crop up that get in the way of voice communications with customers. A staff member off sick means one person fewer to answer the phones, whilst an interruption on the customer’s end could prematurely end a call. In scenarios such as these, an opportunity to do business could be lost.

Whatever the reason, a good business phone system should give you the tools you need to solve problems like this quickly and easily. With Yay.com, such expensive eventualities can be avoided with our missed call alerts. By adopting Yay.com’s VoIP phone system, you ensure that you capture more of these opportunities in many more ways as well. IVR call menus and intelligent call routing are just two other features your business’ phone system will benefit from that give the customer a more efficient, more pleasant caller experience.

Elevate Customer Service Ratings by Calling Back as Quickly as Possible

When it comes to your brand reputation as a whole, there is perhaps no faster route to success than cultivating a reputation for excellent customer service, which can only be achieved by demonstrating that you care about the customers’ time and business. Whether customers leave a message or not, calling them back quickly is one sure fire way to demonstrate how much you value these very things, making something as simple as a missed call alert an incredibly effective way of elevating your business in the esteem of your customers and, in turn, the wider public.

Get email notifications for any missed calls to your phone numbers.
Avoid missed business opportunities in instances when a caller can't get through or abandoned a call.
With an overview of missed calls, you can enhance your customer service by calling callers back as quickly as possible.

Are you ready to take your business communications to the next level?