Here at we are pleased to announce two new Cloud PBX updates for the presentation of phone numbers for inbound Caller IDs.
The first of our updated Call Route options enables you to present either your inbound Caller ID phone number only, or where supported by the phone, both your Caller ID number and the Call Route name. If you have multiple bands operating out of the same office, this can be especially useful when answering calls.
The second update to our Call Route feature is also specific to incoming calls. We have now enabled an option to show which of your phone numbers is being called, rather than presenting you with the telephone number of the incoming caller.
This is especially useful if you run many different businesses within your building, if you have numerous different phone numbers going to your office or are forwarding calls to a mobile phone. It ensures a quick and easy way of visually identifying which of your phone numbers or businesses is being called. So by turning this option on, you can be double sure you and your employees can provide the appropriate greeting for all incoming calls.
These feature updates are all free to use with our VoIP service. For all users, these options are available within the online Dashboard. Look for the Call ID Type dropdown and the Caller ID Number dropdown within the Call Routes section of all VoIP accounts.
If you’re not yet using the VoIP service, try a free 30 day free VoIP trial with free UK phone number included. Existing users can login and set up these number presentation features now.