What do I need to get started on Yay?



First of all, welcome to Yay! This page will give you all the information you need to get started and set up your Yay system!


Yay is a Voice Over IP (VOIP) system. This means that, instead of running calls over a telephone line, your Yay calls will all be run over the internet.



There is a multitude of benefits that come with this system, as you will discover very soon! This includes, but is not exclusive to…




Step 1: Choose a number



- When you first sign up for Yay, you will need to choose at least one phone number. This is a virtual number, meaning that you aren’t restricted to a fixed line and you can customise what happens when this number is dialled.


- From creating a call queue, providing options for the caller or playing an automated message, the opportunities with VOIP are endless! 



Step 2: Add your users



- A user is each member of your business who will be using the Yay phone system. 


- Due to the virtual nature of your number, multiple calls can take place simultaneously, through your different users.


- Your Yay account is fully customisable, meaning that users can be added or removed from your account at any time!



Step 3: Register your users



- Once you have added all of your users, each user needs to link their account to a device (e.g. desk phone or our Yay app)


- To activate the app, head over to the users' page, click ‘edit’ on the individual user and go to ‘app registration’. 


- Input the users' email address and mobile number and click invite. 


- This will send an invite for your user to create an account and join the app.


- If you have a desk phone, the setup will be slightly different. Check out our FAQ’s page on VOIP Phones to learn how to set up your specific device



Step 4: Create your call routes



- After your numbers and users are set up, your next step is to create some call routes.


- Call routes are the instructions for the system about what will happen when someone calls your number.


- You can set audios, options for the caller, voicemail settings and much more.


- These are fully customizable at any time, so feel free to experiment and see what works for your business!


- To find out more about call routes, check out our call routing FAQ



Step 5: Set up your mailboxes

- Every user can have their own personal mailbox or voicemail and this needs to be set up and linked to each individual user.


- To create your mailboxes, head over to config > Mailboxes > Add mailbox


- After creating your mailboxes, head to the individual user page and assign each user to their personal mailbox.


- This allows users to call your group mailbox number and listen to their individual mailbox contents.


- For more help on setting up and using mailboxes, check out our voicemail FAQ.



Step 6: Choose your caller ID



- You can present your caller ID as any number on your account.


- This can be set up through your dashboard


- For more information, see this FAQ about selecting a caller ID.



Step 7: Make and receive calls!



- You’re now all ready to make and receive your first calls.


- Test it out within your business and feel free to go back and make any changes to your call routes!


- Don’t forget, everything is fully customizable and can be changed at any time!








The opportunities with Yay are endless, and this set-up guide barely scratches the surface of what your account can do for you! Below are some other features that you may be interested in, once you’ve got to grips with your dashboard.


  Time Diaries


Time diaries allow you to schedule different call routes at different times of the day, based on your business hours! 


 Personalised Audios


You can upload an audio file to your account to tailor the calls specifically to your business needs. From having a personalised welcome greeting to offering options within the call, personalised audios make your calls perfect for your business!


   Call Queueing


You can create a call queue in your dashboard and put this in a call route. Many things are customisable within your call queue including hold music, initial announcement and the call receiver order. Have a look at this link to create your first call queue!


  Wallboards & Statistics


You can monitor all of the calls made within your account by setting up a wallboard. Wallboards will show you the live calls taking place and the data for that day. They also will listen to the queue groups mentioned above! Statistics allow you to run reports on outbound and inbound calls for certain users and time frames.


     Call Recording


You can set up your account so that all calls are automatically recorded and held on the system. Depending on your account type, these recordings will be held for either 30 days (Starting Out & Flying High) or indefinitely (Enterprise). Call Recording can be set up through your dashboard!


If you need any further help today, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly support team on 0330 122 6000 or by email!

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