Can I use my existing phonebook?

Using your existing phonebook with Yay is effortless!


Sometimes moving your contacts from one voice provider to another can be discouraging, especially if you have thousands of contacts. With Yay, we came up with a simple and easy solution. Importing your contacts with a .csv file. 


The phonebook feature is accessible via the Yay dashboard under Config -> Phonebooks.


  • Step 1


    Navigate to here and click the "Create Phone Book" option. You can then give it a nickname, as well as a username and password which you'll need to enter in to your VoIP handset to set it up.

  • Step 2


    Once you have created the phonebook, click the pencil to edit it and you'll be greeted with the following page. You can choose to either manually create contacts, or, select import contacts. You'll need to make sure the layout of the contacts is correct, and that it is saved as a .csv - then select the file you have and upload it! You can choose to either add to your contacts, or replace the existing ones. To check the layout the .csv file needs to be, simply click Export Contacts, and a template file will be downloaded!



Once the contacts are saved and uploaded, you'll be able to access them from your phone! If you need help setting them up with your Grandstream, we have an FAQ on doing that here.


If you need any further help today, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly support team on 0330 122 6000 or by email!

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