You can indeed! All you'll need to sign up will be an e-mail address, which will allow you to use our FREE 14-day trial, in which you'll be given 3 users and a trial phone number!
To access our free 14 day trial, you can go through Voice -> VoIP Free 14 Day Trial.
From here, all you'll need to enter is a couple of details like your First and Last Name but most importantly, your e-mail address! No payment details are required to sign up for our 14 day free trial!
Once you have filled in all the details and have accepted the terms and conditions, then you'll be taken to 'My Dashboard', which is the online portal used for all your yay needs and you'll be able to use for 14 days and enjoy the wonderful world of VoIP!
If you need any further help today, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly support team on 0330 122 6000 or by email!