VoIP Calls

What should I check if my outbound calls are failing?

If you are having trouble making outbound calls on Yay there are a few steps below that you can take to try to resolve the problem -


Is it only a specific number you are having difficulties calling?


If you can still make calls to other numbers but calls to 1 number aren’t going through this is probably an issue specific to that number. Below are a few things you can do to determine whether this is the case and attempt to resolve the issue:


One scenario is that you run into an audio message that asks you to top up the account? In this case, the first thing to do would be to check that number against our call cost checker to see if the number is a premium number. If the number has a connection charge or has a higher call cost than other numbers of the same type from that country then it is likely a premium number and you may need to add call credit to your account to call this number. 


The number is not a premium number

The number is a premium number

If it is not a premium number then attempt to call the number directly from your mobile phone if possible, if you still cannot call it from here there is an issue with the number itself.

If it is a premium number and you have call credit on your account do check that you do not have any call restrictions that would stop you from calling this number! You can check this by going to Voice > Calls > Restrictions on your dashboard. 



Is this happening on every number you try to dial?


Firstly if this is happening with every number you try to dial the issue could be that the account does not have an active plan. You can check this by clicking where it says ‘Current Plan’ on your dashboard. From here if under the current plan it says ‘restore’ or if there is no current plan you will need to renew the plan on the account.


If this is happening for all numbers and you are on an inclusive minutes plan, check whether you have any inclusive minutes left on your user. You can do this by clicking the ‘+’ button next to the call credit in your dashboard and going to ‘inclusive minutes’. If you have 0 inclusive minutes you will need to add call credit to your account!


Are the calls reaching your account?


Especially if the phone is beeping or you get an error popup on the phone when you attempt to make an outbound call we would suggest checking to see if you can see the calls you attempted to make in the call history on your account. If you cannot this means that the calls are not reaching us so we would suggest rebooting/resetting your device. A reboot can be achieved by unplugging the power and once the device is powered down, just simply plug it back in again. If you wanted to factory reset the device, this can usually be done via the settings menu on the physical phone. For the iOS & Android applications, you can select "Reset App Registration" at the bottom of the settings page.


If you are still running into issues after this we would suggest disabling SIP ALG on your router as this can often cause issues with making and receiving calls. We have an FAQ on this here.


Is it only happening when making calls from the desktop app?


For the desktop app specifically double-check the audio settings and ensure that the correct devices are selected. You can find this by going to Settings > Audio. We have an FAQ on troubleshooting outbound calls on the desktop app here.  

If you need any further help today, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly support team on 0330 122 6000 or by email!

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