Phone Numbers

What is a geographic number?

Geographic numbers are phone numbers that are specifically assigned to a city or town. In the UK, these numbers begin with the digits 01 and 02. London numbers for example begin with the digits 020 while numbers for the city of Manchester start 0161. Geographical phone numbers are favoured by businesses and SMEs who require a local area presence.


How much does it cost to call a geographic number?


If in the UK, calls to 01 and 02 geographic phone numbers will bear the same cost as a local rate call. Depending on your provider, local rate calls may be included in your monthly plan.


How to buy a geographic number?


Geographic phone numbers are available to buy online at Yay. To get a local geographic phone number for a specific town or city such as London, Leeds or even New York, just pick a number an available number on the site, choose a monthly plan and checkout.


Why buy geographic phone numbers from Yay?


Yay provides virtual numbers to businesses. These numbers are not tied to a specific location which means you can purchase a geographic number no matter where you are based. Should you move premises, you can also take your geographical number with you. In addition to business phone numbers, monthly plans include a variety of professional phone features such as voicemail to email, time of day call routing, SMS and more.


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