Since was born, we've put your security and privacy first. We didn't need to change any of that to comply with the upcoming GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations); we already did it.
We protect them with our life. We use 12 rounds of an algorithm that turns passwords into a long string of no relevance to the original password. No one can view or obtain your password and should the worst happen, your data remains encrypted. The algorithm we use has never been cracked.
Data Files
It's all AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encrypted. Every last bit. When we store say a call recording, we do so by encrypting that file on our disks. It's only then decrypted by us, with our unique, protected and inaccessible key, on demand, as we provide our service to you. Not just sensitive data, all our data.
Payment Data
We don't store it period. We use the largest payment processing company in the world to store it for us - Stripe powers companies like ASOS, Deliveroo, Comic Relief, Facebook and of course us! We use a unique token that references your payment card. This token can only be used by us when accessed to process payments.
Encrypted Call Data
We support SRTP, the secure form of audio transmission that can be used when your devices and applications communicate with us. The large majority of devices / applications don't support this by default, so we allow you to selectivity enable/disable in Your Account.
HTTPS protocol
When you view our website you are doing so with https. We've always been https and it ensures no one can interrupt and capture any input you provide us with. Not just at checkout, but across our entire website.
You can rest assured that you're safe whenever and wherever you do do business with